Sunday, October 6, 2013

Greedy "Winner's" in Congress

                Earlier this week, an unknown White House representative said the Democrats believe that they are “winning” in the fight over the budget and Obama Care, which has led to the first government shutdown in almost twenty years. This is a bold statement that could get the Democratic group criticized over time. What this White House representative is particularly saying is that it is mostly or entirely the Republicans fault for the government shutdown. They say this because in previous polls people were to pick which party they would rather have, Democrats and Republicans. According to a recent Quinnipiac University poll, 43% of people chose Democrats and 34% chose Republicans. This is where the Democratic Party believes they are winning this fight.  

                 But the one question the Democrats really need to ask themselves is; is anybody really winning during this government shutdown? To me this is a very cocky approach that could come back to bite them in the long run. Even though they think they are winning, in reality, absolutely nobody is gaining anything from this shutdown. Hundreds of thousands are off of work, not being paid, national attractions that draw millions of dollars a year are shut down, and still the congressman are still being paid for really doing nothing but fight over something  that should be somewhat of a quick fix. This entire situation is like two brothers or sisters fighting over a piece of cake or candy. Both sides want more or what they can’t get and it’s hurting the entire nation. I guarantee that if the congressmen and women were not getting paid right now, they would have already had a solution written up. This is how greedy they really are.

                 Another sad thing about this entire situation is that they are not even trying to come to an agreement. An example would be that Congress took a three day weekend instead of sitting down and getting things done. This just shows how much these people, who we voted in ourselves, really care. They don’t have to live check to check like some of the families have to while they cannot work because of this shutdown. It seems like all they care about is themselves and their own well-being.  And all it is doing is making this entire situation worst as time goes on. So next time the Democrats or Republicans think they are “winning” this battle, they need to look at the bigger picture and think who is really losing and hurting from this situation.  


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