Thursday, October 10, 2013

ObamaCare Website and other issues

Ever since last week, people could go to the ObamaCare website and sign up for cheap and quick health insurance. But with all of the people going to the website, it has glitched up and most people have not been able to access the website. This is a big deal because if people don’t sign up for health insurance by March 21, 2014, they will be fined for not doing so. The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, who is the Republican leader, has said, “How can we tax people for not buying a product from a website that doesn't work?" This is true and this could lead to backlash from people who get fined if this website isn’t up and running smoothly by early 2014.


                This is just another thing that has probably helped the Republicans during this Government Shutdown. The website, which has been deemed a, "train wreck,” by most critics, is just another thing that is helping Republicans and hurting the Democrats. Also, this health care website has gone from costing $93 million to $634 million dollars, according to Fox News. President Obama’s approval rating has dipped to an all-time low of 37% and this makes it seem like most people have lost faith in President Obama. And his entire ObamaCare plan isn’t go as plan which is mostly his entire campaign idea during his first term as President and through the early months of his second term.


            With this being said, Obama is hurting big time. With all of these things going wrong it’s no wonder why he has gotten so grey over his tenure as President of the United States. Don’t get me wrong it is an incredibly demanding and hard job but as President, you have to take control and make sure that everything stays in line and doesn’t get out of hand. And none of this is getting any better due to this Government Shutdown and his glitched up website that has come back to cost America more money that what it is really worth. The question is, is all of this really worth it? For all of this trouble with his health care plan is all of the money we are spending to fun it really worth the time and money in the long run? This answer will be answered hopefully soon and all of this will be figured out to make sure that this nation gets back to where it was before all of this took place.

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