Sunday, December 22, 2013

Possible Candidates for 2016 Presidential Elections

            The elections of 2016 will be a huge year for both Democrats and Republicans in politics. They will not only be fighting for Congress seats but also will be fighting for the White House in Washington, D.C. Who might be the candidates for the both sides? Nobody is quite sure but what we do know is that there are some big names that might be making their case to become the next President of the United States of America.

The biggest name that I can give you for the Democrats that might run for the presidency is…..Hillary Clinton. She has been a huge icon around the world in diplomacy for the United States and she just stepped down from the Secretary of State position under Barack Obama. She is also married to former President, Bill Clinton, which might give her a bigger advantage against all of the other candidates in the running for the coveted spot in the White House. With her knowledge on worldwide affairs she is a strong and tough opponent for the rest of the candidates that plan to get in on the race. Even though she might not have officially gotten in the race she is a strong favorite to run for President. Sadly, I couldn’t really tell you who else would run for President out of the Democratic Party but there is definitely a lot of candidates that will be coming out of the Republican Party.           

 Even though none of these candidates are set in stone they all have hinted towards a Presidential Campaign. The biggest Republican that might be running for President of the United States is Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie. He has been a huge icon for Republicans everywhere and has gone through a lot with the state of New Jersey. When Super Storm Sandy hit the East Coast last year it devastated the state of New Jersey. But he united his state and they have been rebuilding ever since. He is a huge conservative that would like to cut the deficit in half and lower the debt (just like every other Republican)
Other Republican Candidate is Senator Marco Rubio from the state of Florida. He has been the face of conservatives everywhere around the country. He has tried to pass law after law helping out the Republicans and has done everything in his power to shut down the ObamaCare bill, which is very respectable to Republicans everywhere.
            These next couple of years is going to be tough for both sides of the aisle in D.C. But hopefully no matter who wins the election in 2016 they can lead this country to power once more and make this country the best in the world once again.


  1. Do not yet forget that Hillary has not yet declared her candidacy for the 2016 election

    1. I said in the first sentence of the second paragraph that she is a possible candidate.
