Sunday, April 20, 2014

Syrian Backup

Ever since the President of Syria started using chemical weapons on his own people the world has been on high alert. A Civil War that has been going on for at least two years seems like it could not get any crazier than it already is. Nobody has made any gains after peace talks were abandoned and fighting did not end. Obviously the United States has backed the rebels throughout the war and the United Nations and other countries around the world have tried to protect innocent people getting caught up in this fight. It seems like this will never end which is probably true but what can the rest of the world do to make sure that democracy wins and the dictatorship ends?
                According to FOX News, the United States has armed the Syrian rebels with a, “small number of advanced weapons.” This is after the peace talks broke down back in January and nothing has been settled in the last couple of months. These weapons include antitank missiles and guns to protect the rebels from the relentless Syrian Army. Until the President of Syria is either overthrown or flees the country there seems to be no way or reason for the rebels and the Syrian Army to stop fighting. This could take a few more years just for some progress to be made. All this is, is a never ending circle of violence that in reality will never be stopped or won without intervention from other first world countries. That is just the tough reality that the Middle East has to go through every single day.
                I would have no problem giving weapons to the rebels, especially when the Syrian Army is as aggressive as they are. But can the United States and President Obama really trust these rebels? Giving weapons to rebel groups has come back to bite us in the past. When Afghanistan was being invaded by the Russians in the 1980’s, the United States gave the Afghanistan people weapons to ward of the attacks. After this was done, the weapons fell into the hands of the very well know extremist group, Al-Qaeda. This not only led to problems in the Middle East but it led to dangers here in the United States. Because of Al-Qaeda the United States has been trying to take back over control of Iraq and Afghanistan for over a decade and they are still a huge threat to society in the Middle East and all over the world. That is what could happen in Syria if the U.S isn’t careful.

                Even though I do believe in helping the rebels somewhat in their ventures, I hope that this time around we are most cautious about whom we are giving these weapons to. Hopefully the Syrian rebels can be trusted and these weapons won’t fall into the wrong hands. If that does become the case we will be looking at another long and hard fight that could just lead to more problems not only in Syria but across the world. The more influence Al-Qaeda has on different societies in the world the more of a threat they cause to the free world and that could lead to a whole new war that could be very destructive.  

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