Sunday, March 16, 2014

Ukraine Uprising

There has been a lot of speculation over the Ukraine crisis over in Eastern Europe. If Russia gains control of the troubled country of Ukraine, Europe might be in a bit of trouble. This entire situation will most likely not go through but if Russia has any say they will do anything in their power to obtain the rights to own Ukraine which will help spread the ideal of socialism. That is the last thing that the United States and the rest of Europe want to see.
                Ukraine has supposedly voted to join the country of Russia by a staggering 95% approval. This seems like a terrible idea because of all of the trouble Ukraine has had with Russia in the past. Russia is not going to help Ukraine in any way, shape, or form. The only reason Russia wants to get Ukraine in the first place is to gain more power and spread the policy of socialism to more countries in Eastern Europe. This is a very alarming move to the United States and for the United Nations. Not only will this threaten the spread of democracy but it will threaten the authority that the United States has in that region of the world.             
                Even if Ukraine does join Russia, it will not be recognized by the United Nations which makes up almost every nation in the world. President Obama and the White House Administration have rejected the vote. This does little to nothing at all but it just shows that the United States is not happy and disapproves of the entire situation.
                Now even though this is a very serious matter I do not think that there needs to any military action taken by the U.S. But even though I say this there will probably be some time in the future when we send some type of air raid or even troops to Russia. The thing that we need to learn is that nothing will change in that part of the world. Even if we overthrow President Putin, there will always be another person to take over that has the exact same ideals as Putin did. It is the exact same way in Europe as there is in the Middle East. Nothing is going to change and we need to realize that.

                Even though Ukraine is a troubled nation and needs to be helped, the United States needs to make sure that Russia does not become any more powerful. With more power comes more socialism which is the last thing that we need to deal with right now. Let another country like England or Spain deal with the issues in Russia. The United States has its own problems right now and this is just another setback that the U.S does not need now or ever. 

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