Sunday, January 26, 2014

Egypt Heating Up

It has been a long three years in the Middle Eastern country Egypt after a “revolution” started back in 2011. But after deadly attacks ravaged the country right on the anniversary of this revolution the country seems to be turning again into a rebellious regime willing to fight again. The United States has been behind Egypt for years but if this violence keeps up, how much of this can we really support over time?
                Hosni Mubarak was overthrown as President of Egypt just a little over three years ago this week. The people got what they wanted in the end but there has still been corruption in the region (like always). After the newly elected President Mohammad Morsi was taken over through a coup by a military group after pressure from the general public. This has just led to more tension between the government and its people which have led to some violence. In early January bombs were set off in the capital city in Egypt which killed fifteen people and led to uprisings throughout the city. Over two hundred people were arrested due to these uprisings which were started by Mohammed Morsi’s supporters (FOX News).
                Again the United States has showed their support for the country of Egypt. Secretary of State John Kerry assured the Middle Eastern countries such as Egypt, Iraq, and Yemen were all supported and backed by the United States government. This goes back to our nation becoming the world’s cop and babysitting every country that has an uprising. I do not see England getting involved or France or Spain. Where are they in the predicament? They always wait to see what we do first then act off of that. I understand that the United States is the strongest military country in the world but we have to learn how and when to choose our battles. We just are starting to get out of the economic depression that has hit this country and have started to pull out of the war effort in Iraq. If we give every country help we will just drive ourselves in to a bigger and deeper hole that we cannot even get out of right now. I would like to see just once a country like Spain take a step forward and help these nations out a bit. They are closer and could even help us out after everything we have done to try to keep the Middle East safe over the past decade or so.

                Even though I know it will never happen, I think we need to stay out of international affairs. Even our first President George Washington said in his farewell speech that America should keep to themselves and out own people before interfering and helping others. It might seem bad but if this country is not stable economically and domestically how can we make another country or region a good all-around stable nation? It just can’t happen like that and it shouldn’t happen like that. Let’s just worry about ourselves before we go and worry about someone else for a change and maybe we can get back to what we do best as an entire country.  

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