Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fast Food Workers on Strike

Around the United States, McDonald’s fast food workers are striking over how much that they are paid. The employees are for the Federal Government to raise the minimum wage level to 15 dollars an hour. This is almost double of what they make now. Is it worth it to even give them this money or should it be rejected altogether?


            I believe that all of this is complete nonsense! What makes these workers think that they should get paid twice as much as they are making now? Yes, I do understand that nobody should be living in poverty for working full time and I do agree that the minimum wage should be raised slightly but definitely not by more than a couple of dollars. Granted I am a little biased because I work for a little over minimum wage but that isn’t my living. I’m in high school I really shouldn’t be getting paid any more than that in the first place. I do understand that these people need to live off this money that they making$15,000 a year, sadly, is definitely not going to get you far in the United States. Maybe if minimum wage was raised slightly from $7.25 an hour to $9.50 or $10.00 an hour they could consider it. But what the workers are asking for is way too much and most people who do make over minimum wage don’t even get close to $15.00 an hour.


            Democratic Congressman, Keith Ellision, supports the idea that these workers should be getting paid more, he supports the cause by saying that, “In the richest country in the world, no one working full time should be living in poverty.” This is 100% accurate. Like I said before, nobody can live comfortably while only making $15,000, it just can’t happen and it does need to be addressed by the American government.


            With some Senators and House Representative supporting this idea of a higher payment maybe these fast-food workers will be heard for the first time. This could maybe get into Congress and approved to make these workers happy in the long run. But in my opinion, I do not think that any of these workers have a shot of even getting close to the amount that they are looking for. They will be lucky to even be heard let alone get this passed into law. And even if it is passed somehow by Congress, food prices would go up for customers at these restaurants and jobs could even be lost because companies won’t be able to afford it if the minimum wage doubles in the near future.

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