Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Obama Care

With the new budget trying to be passed in the House of Representatives and Senate, the biggest thing keeping the Democrats and Republicans apart is the highly debated topic of Obama Care or the Health Care Reform plan that President Obama has been using as the nation’s health care plan over his tenure as President of the United States.  With this plan, it will not only hurt the American economy but also the average middle class citizen in the U.S.

You may ask, what is this plan called, Obama Care? This act was signed into action in 2010. It tries to supply all people of the United States with affordable health insurance to help with any health issues they might have. Even though this sounds like a good thing for the United States and its people it actually has big problems. The first problem is that people who already have health insurance have to pay a higher premium and payment whenever they go to the hospital. Instead of paying just one hundred dollars a visit to the emergency room or hospital it has been raised almost fifty dollars over the last few years under Obama. This might not seem like a lot of money in this day and age but if a person goes to the hospital a few times a year the money really starts to add up.

 Another problem about Obama Care is that businesses have to give health benefits to any employees working more than forty hours a week. With this being said companies have been limiting their employees to fewer hours so they do not have to give them full health benefits thus saving money for the company. Even though it benefits the company itself, it hurts the economy. With fewer hours given to middle and lower class workers the less money they have to spend of items they need to live and want to have. This leads to less money in the American economy and hurts it in the long run. Third, it costs a lot of money for the government to even fund this health care plan. This plan calls for 1.1 trillion dollars in funding over the next ten years. This will just add to our debt and deficit over these years and just be another factor in the decline of the American economy.

Even though there is a need for more people to have health insurance in the United States the cost of this bill is just way too high for the already rising debt. There has to be another way for the government to be quick and efficient in finding another way in funding a health care plan. And if this doesn't happen soon it could hurt the entire United States of America not only now but in the future as well. 


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